hey there, I'M ADITYA! 

I am a Software Engineering student at McMaster University. I enjoy robotics, space and learning about computer vision and machine learning. 



Have a scroll! Here are some of the projects I've worked on!


Virtual Hand Painter

A program that allows individuals to draw on their computer screen by moving their hand in a 3D space. Users can create art on their computers and take screenshots by bringing their index finger to their middle finger. 


Finance Tracker

Keep track of your finances all in one application! View detailed graphs, and pie charts of your expenses, set budgets and customize the UI to your liking. This project allows users to keep track of their finances while focusing on simplicity. 


Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can is a game where you control a square using your hand by moving it around. The square moves in a 2D space, and your objective is to catch other squares to score points. The game was developed using Python and Unity.


Student Grade Predictor

The Student Grade Predictor is a machine learning project that uses a linear regressor model to predict the grades of students. By analyzing attributes like sleep, study time, alcohol consumption, and physical activity, the model achieves an impressive accuracy of 96%.


Bizz Connect

BizConnect was developed during a hackathon at Delta Hacks, where our team secured the first-place position by creating an innovative solution for RBC. Start-up companies can connect, invest in one another, and expand their client outreach by choosing to bank with RBC.


Heart Beat Monitor

This project utilizes an Arduino, pulse sensor, and an LCD screen to enable individuals to monitor their heart rate simply by placing their finger on the pulse sensor. The project displays the measured heart rate on the LCD screen, providing users with real-time information.



Healthify is your all-in-one health app. Track your workouts, and weight, and view visual data. Find nearby gyms, pharmacies, and more to reach your fitness goals. Get SMS reminders for prescription pick-ups.


Planet Simulation

This project demonstrates Grade 12 physics principles by simulating the motion of planets in our solar system. It utilizes APIs to provide real-time information on astronauts in space and approximate the location of the ISS.


PONG vs Computer

This Python project, developed using the Pygame library, offers a classic game of pong where you can challenge the computer. Enjoy a simple and entertaining gaming experience!


Space Shooter

A simple 2 player space shooter game developed in Python. Play as a space ship and battle your friend. You can shoot lasers and move up and down by using the arrow keys on your laptop. 


Platform Jumper

Platform Jumper is a Python game developed using Pygame. It's a simple yet addictive one-player game where you must jump over obstacles. Each successful clearance earns you a point, but touching an obstacle means game over!


Vigenère Cipher

Diving into the world of cryptography, I developed a program that utilizes the Vigenere Cipher algorithm. It encrypts custom messages, ensuring secure communication by transforming text into an encrypted form shareable only with key holders.

About Me 

Hello there, I am Aditya, a Software Engineering student at McMaster University. I have a strong passion for writing code and using it to tackle diverse problems.

My areas of interest include Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Embedded Systems Development. Currently, I am a software developer for McMaster's Rocketry team, where I am gaining valuable experience in embedded systems.

Beyond my studies, I'm an absolute space enthusiast, fascinated by space exploration and the latest satellite technology. My aspiration to work as a Software Engineer for the CSA is one of my ultimate goals.

I am always looking for new opportunities to further develop my skills as a Software Engineer. If you'd like to get in touch, feel free to connect with me through any of the links below!